Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Day 1: Five lines

First day of the #BEDM challenge, and our instructions were to "introduce yourself or sum yourself up in five lines."  But because there's not much I haven't said about myself on here (I do love a good FAQ post, like this one, or this) I wanted to think of five things I haven't shared before.  So...

1. I secretly like parents’ evenings at school, because I always get told by at least one parent that I’m a brilliant teacher* – and what teacher doesn’t enjoy hearing that?!

2. My happiest memories are all of festivals; something about the combination of music, sunshine, friends and cider.

3. I have an overactive imagination and always think the worst.  Mum visiting me and is 10 minutes later than she said she’d be?  Dead in a crash on the M1.  Boyfriend hasn’t replied to my messages?  Obviously doesn’t love me anymore.  Bus hasn’t arrived yet?  I’ll miss my train and therefore my plane.

4. When I was a child, I wanted to be a writer or an actor.  The one job I said I would never do, under any circumstances?  Yep, you’ve guessed it: teacher.
5. I'm a less picky eater than I used to be, but I retain a trinity of hated foodstuffs: mushrooms; vinegar; fruit as a garnish on (or in) savoury meals.
* I'm not claiming they're right, but it's nice to be told it regardless of whether it's true.


  1. Ha ha, I can relate to number 3. I definitely overthink things and end up in a panic.

    Best of luck with the challenge x

  2. I ca definitely relate to number four, I always said i would never be tied to a desk job in a boring office, umm guess what I do for a living now?? I guess never say never.

    Anyway it's lovely reading all these introductions and finding some great new blogs to read in the challenge.

    Look froward to reading more


  3. #3 totally made me laugh. I do the same thing. Isn't it awful? Why do we do that to ourselves? ;)

  4. I want to hug you for this "fruit as a garnish on (or in) savoury meals" - why does no-one else understand this? Grapes and chicken are NOT good. xx

    1. Exactly! Grapes = lovely, chicken = lovely. Together = awfulness. This is true for ALL fruit/savoury combinations.

    2. But clemetines in a beetroot salad, with cous cous and falafel is so good! However, I don't agree with raisins in savoury food, so I understand where you're coming from.
