Wednesday, 7 May 2014

List #19: The things I will do today

1. Wake up with my alarm at 6.20am.  Hit snooze four or five times until I'm almost certain to be late.
2. Hastily wash, get dressed and run out of the door to my (lovely new!) car to drive to work.
3. Eat breakfast and drink a cuppa at my desk, while planning lessons for the day.
4. Teach three Year 9 lessons: two GCSE Controlled Assessment preps for top and bottom set English, and one PSHECE lesson on drugs and alcohol (I always enjoy starting a lesson by saying, "Today we'll be doing drugs").
5. Eat lunch at my desk while finishing my Year 7 marking.
6. Have a mentoring meeting with the PGCE student who's completing his school placement with us.
7. More marking and planning.  I'm currently in the throes of arranging a large event at school, which takes a lot of time and energy.
8. Rush to the hairdressers for my appointment; finally a chance to sit and relax with some trashy magazines and a cup of tea.
9. Home via Tesco.  The Boy is out tonight so it's my chance to cook something non-vegan.
10. Shower, PJs on, One Born Every Minute or Location on the TV (T won't watch them, so I wait until he's out to indulge), and relax before an early night.


  1. I'm not sure I know anybody who actually gets up as soon as the alarm goes off without pressing snooze...

  2. Sounds like a busy but rather nice day.

  3. Life would suck without the snooze button!

  4. I save saturday mornings to watch the shows Jim won't watch and I love it, although annoyingly he's started getting up earlier. Grrr. And how was the non vegan dinner?

  5. A question that I've been wondering, possibly a topic you've covered in past entries, possibly something that there isn't much of an answer to give - how do you find it, living with a vegan and being non-vegan? From a moral point of view as well as a practical one. Are you vegetarian/pescatarian?
