Some of my favourite bloggers are well on the way to becoming actual, in-real-life friends. And that's what I've always loved about blogging: the sense of community, of reaching out to people through a screen and finding common ground.
Laura's blog, Make Do & Mend, was one of the very first I started reading and I still find her posts about films, craft, zine-making, photography, travels and Nottingham life as interesting and fun to read as I did three years ago.
Leicester bloggers E & B share the blogging load at Make, Do & Spend, writing about baking, travels, vintage finds and more
Sarah took a bit of a blogging break in 2013, but thankfully (for her readers) seems to be back in 2014. Sarah Rooftops is a mixture of photography, travel posts and random ramblings.

What I love about Jess's blog, Knitting On Trains, is how professional and high quality every post is. Whether it's offering advice on thrifty living or beautifully photographed crafts, it's always a great read.
I love Elise's, who blogs at Elise & Life, outfit posts, despite being pretty much her polar opposite in terms of body type, and the photographs of her adventures on the west coast of Scotland and beyond.
I discovered Just Me during Blog Every Day In May 2013 and immediately loved Rebecca's distinctive way of writing; so often, she says exactly what I want to say, but better (she accuses me of the same thing: I think we're blog twins).
Suzy from Eeep I'm A Blogger is the person to turn to for brilliant feminist content - she always has an interesting take on things.
Frocks & Frou Frou for elegant fatshion from Australia and Arched Eyebrow and Art-i-Ficial for more political, expressly fat-positive fatshion from the UK.
The Craftivist Collective is amazing for activist inspiration (slogan: a spoonful of craft helps the activism go down).
For Books' Sake for everything book-related and feminist.
Siobhan writes about life, music, books and food at Siobhan Claude Van Damme, which has to be in contention for best blog name ever.
Hebden Bridge-based blogger Lisa went through a stage of relying a bit too much on sponsored content for my tastes but luckily her lifestyle blog, Mathilde ♥ Manech, seems to be back to the one I fell in love with years ago.
All images are © the bloggers named